Rita Oliver, CEO, The Money Strategist
Welcome to your place, the SOS Money Academy.
Your Mindset, Behavior and ACTION determine your altitude and your destination.
Armed with 30+ years of Auditing, Strategic and Tactical Planning, Critical Thinking and Analysis and Drive like no one else, I created Strategies Options and Solutions to help individuals Prepare, Plan, and Prosper Financially. With those three guiding principles, you can live a Rich Life of Choices and Options. That life is well within reach after we complete your Problem Solution and Results (PSR) Financial Coaching sessions with me.
Planning is bringing the future into the Present. No Financial Plan is a Plan--A Bad One!! You may think that only the wealthy, the 1%, need a financial plan, but the 100% , all of us need a financial plan/roadmap to set goals, develop strategies, options and solutions for maximizing our income, budgeting, and future planning to not just wander in life but live our life.
SOS does precisely that with our coaching expertise and detailed focus and commitment to your financial well-being. When you are financially secure, everything in life changes for you for the better. Believe that!!
My PSR Financial Coaching, Debt and Retirement Coaching Programs, Products, Life Experience and Financial Expertise will help you in all aspects of your personal finances. Our featured products include workshops on "Stopping the Debt Addiction and Retirement or Your Life , Estate Planning, and for specifically for engaged & married couples--Until DEBT DO WE PART-Financial Necessities Before You Say I Do and After.
Also, two dynamic life-changing year-long products, Custom Financial Plan (Cash Flow Management, Debt Payoff, Savings, Retirement, etc) and the SOS Financial Planning Academy--an Exclusive Membership to help you "Be Prepared". I have never ever heard a negative thing about being prepared and, I don't think I ever will when it comes to getting rid of Past Financial Missteps, Planning and Taking action to Live Financially Securely in the Present, and Future.
We all have heard "Believe and Achieve". I have found that it is "Believe, Plan, Execute and Achieve". This is how you truly achieve your financial and life goals.
Here is my final thought "Money does not Come with Any Instructions-- So Go and Get Some.
We are here and ready to educate, coach, and empower you.
Rita, The Money Strategist
Schedule Your Discovery Call with Me Today.